by Leo Connolly | Jan 23, 2020 | Peoplevox Blog
As the direct to consumer movement rolls on with ever-increasing momentum, a few clear brand engagement strategies and successful trends are emerging. It’s often been said that ecommerce has connected us to the entire world transactionally, but perhaps not so much...
by Leo Connolly | Jan 15, 2020 | Peoplevox Blog
The huge mistake “old school retailers” are making that modern, direct-to-consumer (D2C) brands can avoid. Stock availability issue at major retailer highlights once again how ecommerce fulfilment is a non-negotiable priority for any modern brand seeking to maintain...
by Leo Connolly | Jan 10, 2020 | Peoplevox Blog
Introducing four crucial steps to earn loyalty, win repeat business and drive growth We believe that organising your warehouse like a shop is damaging to your customer experience. With the potential for picking inaccuracy and delays that traditional, standardised...
by Leo Connolly | Dec 9, 2019 | Peoplevox Blog, Product Update
For our technology team, 2019 will forever be known as the year of the great migration. Since migrating our first Clients in May, the team is now pleased to announce that all Live Clients are now operating exclusively from AWS. Dedicated to our Clients With...
by Leo Connolly | Dec 6, 2019 | Peoplevox Blog, WMS Explained
The 6 Causes for Inventory Inaccuracy and why it is Killing Retailers Picture this: A customer places an order online, excited about their purchase. But the next day, they get an email: “Sorry, your item is out of stock.” Frustrated, they take their...